The contents of this program cover the fundamental courses in civil and water resources engineering with special emphasized courses in irrigation engineering including irrigation principles; design of surface, sprinkler and trickle irrigation systems; planning and design of water distribution systems; drainage and pumping systems; design of irrigation structures such as dam, weirs, canal and appurtenant structures; project planning; water management; computer application for irrigation engineering; irrigation engineering projects.
- Undergarduate Programs
- Postgraduate Programs
Department of Irrigation Engineering offers Bachelor, Master and Doctoral Degree Programs as detail below.
is 4 years program. In the first 2 years , students will study the basic courses on engineering and sciences. While the last 2 years the students will focus the courses on irrigation engineering, civil engineering and water resources engineering. The graduate will get the B.Eng.(Civil Engineering-Irrigation)
is the 2 years thesis base program. The applicant must obtain the Bachelor degree on irrigation engineering, civil engineering or water resources engineering or equivalent. Master degree students must complete thesis and publish their work before completion of the program. The graduate will get M.Eng. (Irrigation Engineering)
is the 3 years thesis base program. The graduate will get D.Eng. (Irrigation Engineering)

Hydraulics Research Laboratory
Research ProgramPhysical and mathematical modeling on open channel flow, Hydro-machinery, innovation on open channel flow and pipe flow, hydraulic structure.
Research Personel
Asst.Prof.Dr.Chirakarn Sirivitmaitrie (Head)
Assoc.Prof.Dr.Varawoot Vudhivanich (Deputy)
Assoc.Prof.Dr.Somchai Donjadee
Dr.Tahndonn Okwala

Irrigation Technology Research Laboratory
Research ProgramSoil-water-plant relationship, soil and water conservation, irrigation water management, irrigation system management at scheme and on farm levels, pressurized irrigation systems, pump, surface and subsurface irrigation, drainage, measuring and controlling irrigation equipments.
Research Personel
Assoc.Prof.Dr.Varawoot Vuddhivanich (Head)
Assoc.Prof.Dr.Bancha Kwanyuen
Assoc.Prof.Dr.Ekasit Kositsakulchai
Assoc.Prof.Dr.Somchai Donjadee
Asst.Prof.Boonma Panpradist
Asst.Prof.Dr.Nitirach Sanguanduan

Research Laboratory of Water Resources Computer Modeling and Information System (WRCMIS)
Research ProgramHydrological modeling, Meteorological Modeling, water resources modeling, weather forecasting, global climate change and impaction irrigation, Database development, GIS, telemetering and forecasting, development of information system and decision modeling for water resources management, feasibility and environmental impact assessment.
Research Personel
Asst.Prof.Dr.Wisuwat Taesombat (Head)
Asst.Prof.Dr.Chaiyapong Thepprasit (Deputy)
Assoc.Prof.Dr.Varawoot Vuddhivanich
Assoc.Prof.Dr.Bancha Kwanyuen
Assoc.Prof.Dr.Ekasit Kositsakulchai

Intellegent Agro-Hydrological Monitoring and Management (INAM) Research Laboratory
Research ProgramResearch on hydrological process for water management to using on agricultural land by application of information technology and communication in development of monitoring system, information management and processing and decision working in water management by modeling and artificial intelligent techniques.
Research Personel
Irrigation Field Experimentation
Research ProgramArea for teaching and learning operations. Demonstration and training on various farm irrigation systems research in irrigated agriculture.
Research PersonelAsst.Prof.Boonma Panpradist (Head)
Q1: What is irrigation engineering?
- A1: Irrigation engineering is a specialized engineering program that is offered solely at Kasetsart University. The students will learn courses on soil-water-plant relationship, irrigation techniques, drainage engineering, hydrology, hydraulics, water resources planning and management etc. Besides they will learn all civil engineering courses as required by Council of Engineering of Thailand, including structural analysis and design, soil mechanics and foundation engineering, reinforced concrete design, steel and timber design, construction management, highways and etc.
Q2: How many degree programs are offering by the Department of Irrigation Engineering?
- A2: There are 3 degree programs namely 4-year Bachelor of Engineering in Irrigation Engineering, 2-year Master of Engineering in Irrigation Engineering and 3-year Doctoral of Engineering in Irrigation Engineering. The details of each curriculum are given in the Department website.
- For the undergraduate degree program, students requires to pass the minimum required course works and complete the senior engineering project before graduation.
- For the graduate degree programs, there are 2 options available. Option 1 requires that students have to pass the required course works and complete the thesis. Option 2 is the research program, no course works are required. Before graduation, the students must publish their research articles on the peer reviewed journals.
Q3: Careers Opportunity
- A3: Graduates will have opportunity to get good jobs on both the government and private sectors their works related irrigation design, water planning and management, civil works. Main government sectors required irrigation engineers are Royal Irrigation Department, Department of Water Resources, Metropolitan Water Works, Provincial Water Works, Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand. For the private sector, there are a lot of engineering consulting companies, civil engineering design and construction companies that require irrigation engineering graduates
Our Address
Department of Irrigation Engineering
Faculty of Engineering at Kamphaengsaen , Kasetsart University Kamphaengsaen Campus
1 M.6 Kamphaengsaen Nakhonpathom 73140
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